Malay Language, a thought?
credit to aimi amirah ariffin who shared with us in facebook's group
This a chart on how we are related especially between Malay Malaysian, Malay Indonesian, Phillipine and etc etc in terms of language
So from the chart we can see that Malay Malaysian, Malay Brunei, Malay Singapore, Malay Cape Town and Malay Kemboja are the most related compare to others.
And all of them are most related to Malay Indonesia national language. Then, we r most related to Javanese Language compare to Tagalog.
That's show how had the Malay Language develop from Malay-Polynesian Language. It such a shame that we still have the mentality of "we r better than others...meanwhile we are like a family...a very strong relationship"
From my opinion, we can't find any pure language of Malay from the subdivision languages above as we had already absorbed many words from other languages and assimilated them until the words are not that recognizable as foreign languages but Malay language itself.
Any opinion I hope from the readers?