Routine for my birthday today.
7.00 am - wake up
9.30 am - went to university for my second exam
11.00 am - finished exam and went back home
1.00 pm - watched movie 'death notes 2' as a way to celebrate my birthday( i know i know its an old movie...i never watched it before)
4 pm - jeng jeng housemates did a surprise birthday celebration for me.
To all my house mates, I truly appreciate it and feel honoured to have such housemates like all of you. So now I have a picture of my own cake instead of using the picture from searching through the website hehehe. And they also gave me a hand-made card....I am so touched...thank you again. :D
And also thank you everyone who wished me at facebook.
btw what is the benefit of celebrating birthday if we don't say thank you to the one who brought us into this world.
Thank you abah and umi for bringing me to this world. I truly appreciated with what both of you had done to me until I reach 21 years old. I know I will never be able to repay. I love both of you.
makin tua lak pak cik nih ...
tapi still muda you ...
kihkihkih ...
KA 1988 ker ???
beta mendoakan supaya tuan hamba dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik , dimurahkan rezeqi , dipermudahkan jalan hidup ... dapat grad dgn jayanya , dpt calon wife yg baik mcm beta ( muahahaha ) , dapat menabur bakti terhadap keluarga , agama , bangsa & negara ... semoga dengan umur yang sentiasameningkat ini , kita akan berusaha untuk lebih rapat lagi dengan allah ...
tuh jerk titah perintah beta untuk tuan hamba ...
panggil KA pakcik tolong skit erk...
21 tu kira uda remaja kay
yup KA 1988 knapa ek?
ada lalu umah ke? knapa x singgah..
kan dah rugi hehe
kek tu mmg sedap
aku masih fikir mana diorg beli hehehe
cik antoo pun umor 21 gak ...
shhh ...
jgn g tahu org lain tau ...
pa per pn , KA still tua 2 bln dr beta sbb beta lahir bln 3 ...
hemoh2 ...
igt tau ...
jgn g tahu sesaper ...
awat berbisik-bisik ni
macam dalam keadaan bahaya je =P
kira sama la umur ...
bulan 3? x lama lagi tue